Highmage's Plight free on Kindle for a limited time

For the New Year Highmage’s Plight, Book 1, of the complete 7 book series is free on Kindle for a limited time only—and available on Kindle Unlimited.

In giveaway news this month Apocalypse Knot, prequel to Bigfoot is Not Your Friend, and Dragon’s Curse, a prequel to Highmage’s Plight, and Last Knight, prequel to Knight of the Broken Table, appear in New Year, New Worlds SF/F Giveaway. Think of it as a trifecta.

Highmage’s Plight, Book 1 of the 7 book series, and Knight of the Broken Table, are also available in the Fantastic Collection, a promo for books in Kindle Unlimited.

Dare to Believe and Happy New Year!


Barry Nove