Writing Progress and Giveaways for March

Before I went to the writing conference last month, I was halfway through writing the first draft of my sequel to Lessers Not Losers of my Bred in Captivity Series (Urban Fantasy/Superhero). At the conference, there was a panel on how to use Kickstarter to promote your books—particularly to launch a new book.

I thought to myself, if I’m going to do my first Kickstarter next year, I’d want to do it for the third book in my Knights Tower Series, tentatively titled Knights Blood. I’ve almost finished a prequel novel to the series, which would be a great exclusive for the Kickstarter.

So, I’ve begun writing the third book, putting my other novel on hold for a bit. But there’s an anthology call from the conference for alternate history stories, in memory of best sellng author Eric Flint (1632), who is a founder of the conference I was at. Well, I’d decided, I just wouldn’t write a story for this year’s anthology. I’ve not made it into any of the conference anthologies, which create scholarships for new attendees, who can’t afford to go, otherwise. I would keep focused and work on Knights Blood. After all, an alternate history short story takes a lot of research. First, I feel you have to love history and already know a point you might change that could completely alter the world as we know it. And the deadline's a month away.

Hmm, I just hate when I realize I know a pivotal point that no one else would choose—would even know to choose. I guess my mother being a high school history teacher who walked around the living room talking out her lectures because she hated public speaking didn't go unheard by my young ears.

How could I fall in love with history, while watching television after school in the den, while my mother lectured in an empty room about the sinking of the Lusitania, the Spanish American War, and things I realize I know too much about, when I shouldn't? No, none of those are the points in history I chose.

But it may explain why I know a little too much about Richard the Lionheart. I don't even remember Mom lecturing about the Crusades. Then again, I’ve been to the crusader fortress he lived during the Third Crusade… Why did I even do that? Why wouldn't I after Mom talking about history while I was supposed to be watching television or doing my homework... So how couldn’t I write a scene with King Richard there—and mix in some weird facts I’ve learned to rewrite history and create an alternate timeline?

So, I wrote the story last week and I've sent it to my editor to proof and remind me I'm supposed to be writing one of my novel projects. But I had too much fun writing the short story--and whether or not it gets accepted for a charity anthology, I've a good story to shop--but don't get me started on it becoming part of series. I'm supposed to be working on one or two other books and working toward doing my first Kickstarter in a year or so...

Happen to be looking for free stories? Apocalypse Knot and Little Apocalypse are featured in Free Science Fiction and Fantasy Reads. Also, I'm excited to announce my books, Last Knight and Dragon’s Curse are featured in SF/F March Giveaway.

Dare to Believe,


Barry Nove