Bigfoot is Not Your Friend Free on Kindle & Other News

Bigfoot Is Not Your Friend is free on kindle for limited time only

The first book of the Apocalypse Knot series, Bigfoot Is Not Your Friend, is free on Kindle January 15 through the 19th.

Bigfoot Is Not Your Friend is pure escapism. Turns out I’ve added YA satiric horror to my repertoire. Meet Darrel Billings, raised on stories of the coming apocalypse. His rich grandfather prepared well. It seems all those thinking themselves prepared weren’t in the least. A plague of Bigfoot just hadn’t occurred to anyone. Now Darrel and his friends must do what they can to save humanity. Welcome to the Apocalypse Knot!

If you've not snagged a free copy of my novella, Apocalypse Knot , a prequel novella to the Apocalypse Knot Series, now is a great time.

Happen to be looking for free stories for the New Year? Last Knight and Apocalypse Knot are featured in: Free and Fantastic Fantasy & Sci-Fi for the New Year.

Looking for good books under $5.00? Check out Fabulous Futuristic Fantasy Reads, which are featuring three of my books: Nowhere to Go But Mars, Terran Catalyst (Book 1), and Highmage’s Plight (Book 1). Nowhere to Go But Mars is a novella and Terran Catalyst is the first of two books in that series — a space opera set 2,000 years in the future. Highmage’s Plight is an epic fantasy with sci fi elements, the first book of the complete 7 book series, where scientific knowledge may be able to do what magic alone cannot—defeat the Demonlord.

Dare to Believe,


Barry Nove