Writer's Journey - Coverart Process - Work in Progress
As you, the cover’s come a long way toward being just right… But there’s some finishing touches needed. I’d hoped to be far enough along to be able to release Changeling Knight, Book 2 of Knights Tower, by Thanksgiving and launch at Chessiecon.
The process when the cover artist comes back with the sketch or first draft, as the case here, is that I share the cover with authors I know. Oh, and my biggest critic (my daughter), who is working her way into the book publishing field (meaning, she’s a glutton for punishment). She has a really good eye for cover issues, but the final say is mine here. I'm self-publishing, which means I'm the publisher and with that comes all the responsibility.
The comments I’ve received center around what genre does the cover shout at readers? At the moment, it seems, with all the reflectivity that my changeling doesn’t feel fantasy. Now, Knights Tower has to have a fantasy feel, but it is science fiction (not unlikely Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Riders of Pern Series).
So, looking at the draft cover, I’ve asked that the reflectiveness particularly of the ground go away and show worn cobble stones instead. My character is getting a short sword upgrade to something that looks more Medieval. I’ve also asked for her to have a helm. That should help with the genre blending I’m looking for.
That said, I’m looking forward to doing a cover reveal in time for Thanksgiving and a launch in December.
Which is a good thing, because I’m still working on a series prequel novella as a giveaway, which is at ten thousand words at the moment.
Now looking for free stories? Last Knight and Dragon’s Curse are featured in November SF/F Giveaway.
Dare to Believe,