Writer's Journey - Coverart Process
As you will see below, work is progressing on the coverart for my forthcoming novel, Changeling Knight, Book 2 of Knights Tower. The new book is currently scheduled for launch around Thanksgiving Weekend, when I’m at Chessiecon.
It’s been just over ten years since my first novel was published. The small press that published Highmage’s Plight handled the graphic design for the first edition, so I didn’t have much input into the process. The publisher that published my second book, however, did involve me. I recommended the cover artist, who they hired.
Since those first two books were released, I’ve self-published more than twenty books and commissioned the cover art and design. I first worked with the designer of my second book, who did two other books for me, then wasn’t available for the next. I turned to looking for artists for my sci fi and fantasy novels on what is now Upwork, and worked with a number of talented different artists, including the artist I'm working with on the Knights Tower books.
Some of the artists have remarkably different processes for developing their imagery. My recommended first artist is a sculptor. She used real images to draw horses for example, which created beautiful imagery.
For my recent Apocalypse Knot and Knights Tower series I’ve been working with my latest find. I’ve had to wait for him to be available to be able to do Changeling Knight. His process is to first do a pencil sketch (first draft of my changeling, Hoo). He does this so we come to consensus before he draws the cover. And, yes, he draws the cover. I'm generally not interested in stock images for covers.
There are different ways to do covers, but what I like most are drawn ones. That may mean physically drawn or electronically drawn ones as you can see on my website for Prophecies’ Pawn, Paradox Lost, or For Whom the Bell Trolls, for example. All of which are set to music (you'll find several on my home page).
I acknowledge each designer at the beginning of each of my books, but acknowledging—thanking them seems minor to what their work has brought to my books. I look forward to posting the finished cover for the reveal this month before the launch.
Now looking for free stories? Last Knight and Dragon’s Curse are featured in November SF/F Giveaway, and Knight of the Broken Table is featured in Dragon Lovers in KU, where you will find a dragon on every cover!
Dare to Believe,