Virtually at Chessiecon today

Today is a busy day, virtually. I’m on five panels at Chessiecon today. all of which are free to attend and presented as webinars on Zoom.

At 3 p.m. EST, Writing YA for Two Audiences

At 4:30 p.m. EST, I’m moderating, How to Panel, Moderate, Present at SF/F cons

At 6 p.m. EST, Large Publishing Houses? Small Publishers? Self-publishing? Who to Go With?

At 7:30 p.m. EST, Writing Without a Net

At 10:30 p.m. EST, Star Wars: What Went Wrong? What Went Right?

and this Sunday, 11:30 EST, Magical Portal Stories

And if you’re interested snagging some free stories for the holidays, I’ve novellas and novels in a number of wonderful promos you should check out:

Dragon’s Curse, a prequel to Highmage’s Plight, and Last Knight, prequel to Knight of the Broken Table, appears in Fantasy & Science Fiction Giveaway for the holidays.

Apocalypse Knot, prequel to Bigfoot is Not Your Friend in the group promo YA & NA Books.

My novella, Nowhere to Go But Mars, is now featured in November Space Sale, which ends in just a few days.

Dare to believe and hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!


Barry Nove