Latest News for August, Highmage's Plight Free on Kindle, August 2-6

Celebrating the launch of my recent release of my YA-style paranormal/budding superhero novel, Lessers Not Losers, I’ve a promo free exclusively through Kindle, offering Highmage’s Plight. I’m promoting tomorrow on Fussy Librarian and the day after through Freebooksy.

Highmage’s Plight is the first book of my complete 7 book series, which links to two other ongoing series of mine.

I’ve two other projects in the wings, as it were: Knight of the Broken Table, first book of the Knights Tower, and Bigfoot is Not Your Friend. Both these projects I’d like to focus on offering through ARCs, Advance Reader Copies. I’m experimenting, or I suppose I should say, learning how to use Story Origin and offering to connect with more readers and fans on another level.

I’m hoping to both build up early reviews — and build up my mailing list. Based on what other authors are telling me, Story Origin is a great way to do that… as is Book Funnel. I figure the best way to learn is by taking on only one new approach at a time. The other thing about Story Origin I’m looking forward to is they encourage authors to develop “book magnets” — short stories offered free as means of attracting fans, who often will sign up for an author’s mailing list.

Knight of the Broken Table is based on a short story of my published in an anthology a few years ago. I’ll share more about it with the cover reveal, but it has a steampunk-like aspect that turns the story of a knight facing a dragon on its head, making it sci fiction and not fantasy. Bigfoot is Not Your Friend is based on a short story I received an Honorable Mention for in the Writers of the Future Contest years ago. I’ve been rewriting and polishing it to novel length since then and am hoping I’ve gotten my blend of satire, action adventure, and a most unusual version of an apocalypse just right.

Hopefully, I’ll get a sense of that through offering the ebooks in ARC form on Story Origin… and as I develop the “book magnets” I think fans of my other stories will want to check out those forthcoming free offerings.

We’ll see… as ever, Dare to Believe.


Lessers Not Losers Thumbnail.jpg
Barry Nove