September 2021 Newsletter

As summer ends, I’m looking forward to going to my first in-person sci-fi convention in, well, way too long. Capclave is my local con and I’m looking forward to being away for a few days and seeing authors I’ve only seen on Zoom in the last, is it only, 18 months? I’m also looking forward to the panels and talking to friends and other authors. Two years ago I attended panels at Capclave on basically the joys of writing novellas and a science panel on Mars.

Those two experiences led to me expanding one of my favorite short stories, Nowhere to Go But Mars, which I’d written a number of additional chapters to, but felt it wasn’t going to be a novel—but as a novella the story would be the perfect length. Oh, and the location of my Martian colony was in that presentation on Mars and made it onto the cover of the story. That presentation inspired me… and led to me feeling more comfortable in writing ten thousand, but more twenty to thirty thousand words and not feeling those stories had to be novels.

For me fantasy and sci fi conventions are learning vacations, where I can connect and meet people who enjoy the books, movies, and television shows in the genres I’ve loved my whole life. And, get me.

I guess that’s the message for this month, too. You aren’t alone. There are others who have interests like yours in life… and looking for ways to connect can lead to things you never expect.

I have a number of books, which are all available on Kindle Unlimited, on sale in a group promo, Magic in the Air, Soil, and Water this month: Highmage’s Plight, For Whom the Bell Trolls, and Dare 2 Believe. This promo concludes on September 8.

I have two free novellas this month: Apocalypse Knot, prequel to Bigfoot in Not Your Friend, and Last Knight, prequel to Knight of the Broken Table. They are featured in the group promo Battle for the Future: Fantasy & Sci Fi Adventure Giveaway. Check them out!

Dare to Believe,


Nowhere to go but Mars_cover art_3D book.jpg
Barry Nove