Dare 2 Believe Free on Kindle - Limited Time Only

Dare 2 Believe, Book 1 of the series, is Free on Kindle today through February 15th. Triple Dare, Book 3, was released only a few months ago and is available exclusively on Kindle.

Spoiler alert, readers of even the first book of my epic fantasy Highmage’s Plight series will learn more about that series reading Dare, and vice versa. Plight is used as Dare’s backstory in a unique way, though it is a more contemporary fantasy series.

In other news, my forthcoming book, a novella, Nowhere to Go But Mars will be released on Kindle at the end of the month.

Nowhere to Go But Mars is the story of a desperate immigrant with nowhere else to go, who like tens of thousands of other Americans his age hopes for a chance at a better life beneath the surface of Mars, knowing he may die in the attempt. This expands my original twice published short story of the same name. Welcome to my satiric, cautionary tale of the future.

Lastly, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads for Dare 2 Believe.

Dare to Believe,


Barry Nove