My Knight's Tower Series and more are Free on Smashwords for the Holidays!

I've free ebooks on Smashwords for the Holidays…

I’m excited to announce that the following of my ebooks are free as part of a promotion on Smashwords through January 1 as part of their End of Year Sale:

My Knight’s Tower Series: Knight of the Broken Table, Changeling Knight, and Knight’s BloodTerran Catalyst and its sequel, Plymouth Meets Rock, and Crossroads of Sin (which features many of my short stories published early in my writing career).

The Knight’s Tower Series is sci fi, steampunk, and much more, though, it will seem more like an epic fantasy(sans magic). These three books have never been offered together free before, making this a wonderful opportunity to snap up the series.

The Terran Catalyst books have also never been offered together for free. So, if you like space opera, a la a ragtag crew takes on the galaxy, check these out.

I’ve one other book if you or someone you know likes non-fiction and loves history or learning about family history… The Ellis Island Experience: A Sampling of Stories and How to Research Your Own I wrote based on my research of my own family coming to America over 100 years ago (which is not under my pen name).

This is a chance to get these books, along with books from many other great authors either free as ,I’m offering, or at a discount so you can get right to reading..

You will find the promo here through January 1st. Please share this promo with friends and family, who may be looking for great reads over the holidays, especially while traveling to spend time with family..

Of course, feel free to check out all my books on my website: You’ll find links to free stories there too.

Thank you for your help and support!

Happy Holidays and good reading!

Dare 2 Believe,


Barry Nove