April Update

My latest work in progress, Lessers Not Losers, is now in a continuity and polishing draft, which means if it meets my editor’s expectations, not only my own, the book should be released this year. Under the circumstances, the editors process will like take longer than I’d like, which leads into my either incorporating her edits and moving forward—or a lot more work. But, I’m feeling pretty confident in this one… It’s been a lot of fun to write, and, sorry, but I don’t feel up to working on the next Hands of the Highmage book. Not just now. I’ve been working on different things, that spark my creativity anew.

Lessers Not Losers is a cross genre urban fantasy with YA aged characters, who'm I’ve known for years, expanding from my three times published short story, Bred in Captivity, which first appeared in an e-zine about 10 years ago, an anthology about a year later, and now appears with some related stories in my collection of a number of my previously published stories and essays in Crossroads of Sin and Other Stories.

Lessers Not Losers is a hidden world within our own. It appears part sci fi with paranormal and some fantasy elements. It’s my boy who can sorta fly story, putting children and teen whose psychic talents are being bred for purposes they don’t completely understate, but those less than trusting do their best to conceal. Their only hope they thought was to be underestimated, and each alone were no threat. But when a fateful accident brings Eddy together with those who desperately want to escape the fate the Doc’s plan for them… well, a dragon rise.

In other news, Balticon, a conference I’ve been attending for years over Memorial Day has understandably been cancelled and is now being remade to go Virtual. Although a Zoom existence in life these days, I find a bit wearing, I’m looking for the opportunity to connect with friends and fans discussing what I love more, fantasy and sci fi. I’m hoping to find myself invited to be part of some online panels, and hearing some great talks. I’ll let you know more as I hear more about the new format.

Lastly, Highmage’s Plight will be free on Kindle for a limited time beginning April 14th. I’ll be doing a promo on Fussy Librarian to kick off what I hope people will find a great time to snag a copy or to let a friend know to. As ever, reviews are always welcome.

Dare to Believe,


Barry Nove