Writer's Journey - Writing Progress
My latest book, Bigfoot Hunting, came out two weeks ago and the paperback has just been released on Amazon. I’m looking forward to having a few copies with me at Capclave, September 30 - October 2 in Rockville, Maryland.
Capclave is my local con, where I’m always an attendee and never a panelist. I’ve found that almost funny over the years, but I’ve enjoyed being an attendee, networking, and seeing the authors and friends I’ve made over the years. I get to be a fan and brainstorm ideas for my stories. It’s where I attended a panel on writing novellas and, well, began writing novellas. The first of which was Nowhere to Go But Mars, and others like Apocalypse Knot.
Over Thanksgiving, I plan to be at Chessiecon in Hunt Valley, Maryland. I should be on panels and am likely to have my own table in the Dealer’s Room, too.
Right now I’m supposed to be doing the final proof of Changeling Knight, Book 2 of Knights Tower, sequel to Knight of the Broken Table. While I’m making progress on that, I’ve found myself writing the opening chapters of the third book in my Apocalypse Knot Series, Bigfoot and the Four Horsemen. That book I hope to release in about a year.
I’m in a pause on the next book in the Knights Tower. I find myself needing to work on some backstory and I’m thinking of writing a background short story or novella, helping me better set the stage for the third book in the series, which takes place partially in a neighboring kingdom. Of late, writing side stories to series not only help me flesh out the larger stories, but make great free reader magnets. (At least, I hope you think so!)
I’m really looking forward to releasing Changeling Knight soon. I think you will too.
So, looking for free stories? This month my urban fantasy, Grounding a Mockngbird , is featured in Free Fantasy Books to Binge, Dragon’s Curse is in Free Fantasy, and Apocalypse Knot and Little Apocalypse are featured in Free Sci-Fi & Fantasy Stories.
Dare to Believe and hope to see you at one of the sci fi and fantasy conventions I'm attending this fall.
Bigfoot Hunting, sequel to Bigfoot is Not Your Friend, Apocalypse Knot Series is now available on Kindle and in paperback.