Reflections on Balticon 53: Article 5, Doctor Who: The Whittaker/Chibnall Era So Far

Originally posted June 5, 2019 - I am a big fan of the Doctor and the panelists clearly were too. Moderator, Jennifer Povey, came dressed as her favorite companion, River Song. In the front row was a cosplaying original Doctor, which seemed to make Jennifer’s day, which was an indication that those who came to the panel were clearly big fans too. Panelists included: Brick Barrientos, Robert “Bob” Chase, and myself.

We were each asked what we thought of Jodi Whittaker as the Doctor and her companions, Graham, Ryan, and Yas. For my part, which was echoed by each of the panelists, we all like Jodie Whittaker. Though, I felt having three companions diluted the amount of screen time we have to get to know the new Doctor. I mentioned, “Look how Peter Davidson’s Doctor fared with three companions.” The Doctor in the front row scowled and said, “I had three companions my first season.” Well, no arguing with that.

Jennifer likes Ryan, who is the first character on television with dyspraxia. Bob likes Yas. I commented that I questioned the fact that Yas is a police officer, who wants to be more than just basically a traffic officer, while not really being given the opportunity in the first season, to be a lot more. She is traveling with the Doctor, after all. Talk about an opportunity to be Sherlock and the Doctor.

Bob Chase shared that he loved the production values of the show this season, but he finds the stories often difficult to remember. For my part, I’m not finding myself rewatching episodes, which I normally do, which I think also speaks to there being an issue with the writing. Brick disagreed to some extent, enjoying many of the episodes. Chibnall has shown himself to be talking on current issues, like racism shown through the Rosa Parks episode where a racist goes back in time to try to prevent the rise of the Civil Rights movement and a Trump-like millionaire’s greed unleashes mutated spiders—who he and the Doctor essentially then kill, making for a questionable ending that felt a bit truncated.

Brick reminded us that Peter Capaldi’s first season as the Doctor also got off to a rocky start. Making her own sonic screwdriver made a point, but, I believe it was Bob, who said something about wishing it looked better. I suggested the season might have been stronger with any of the classic villains appearing. Jennifer said that was a deliberate choice by Chibnall, seeking to make a clean break from Moffat’s era.

I suggested what the show needs is another Neil Gaiman episode and, well, Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax. Fine, they’re my exception to my not normally liking three companions, well, four, if you count Clara, or a lot more, if you consider “A Good Man Goes to War.” I also suggested it also would be great if Jenny, the Doctor’s remixed clone daughter, met, well, her mother. Jennifer shared the Jenny was supposed to get her own spinoff, but, well, she married David Tennant, which meant a change in plans. The actress is the daughter of Peter Davison, so, I guess being part of the Doctor’s family is something she takes rather literally.

Of course, Jennifer in her cosplaying role of River Song said (and I’m paraphrasing here), “You know who I want to see in the mix.” That said, we were all hoping Chibnall finds the shows footing in the next season allowing Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor a chance to show us who she really is.

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