Lesser's Not Losers Free on Kindle, August 30 - September 3

Celebrating the recent release of my YA-style paranormal/budding superheroes on the run novel, Lessers Not Losers, I’m doing a promo exclusively through Kindle. My hope is to gain some reviews and

Here’s the universal Kindle link to Lessers Not Losers.

I am also this book in a promo beginning on September 2nd for a month through Story Origin.

This group promotion is featuring science fiction and fantasy books that are part of Kindle Unlimited, which at this points looks like it’s featuring over 2 dozen books in these genre, but for the first two days, those who are not Kindle Unlimited readers can get a copy of Lessers Not Losers.

As an added bonus, I’ve posted a free novella, The Dragon’s Curse through Story Origin for those who are fans of my Highmage’s Plight and Hands of the Highmage Series. The story’s available for Kindle and as an epub, so whether or not your interested in checking out Lessers Not Losers, I’ve a story of Lord Kyrr and the black dragon you’ll not want to miss (or can be a good introduction to these series).

Lastly, I’ll be releasing shortly Knight of the Broken Table, first book of the Knights Tower,

Knight of the Broken Table is based on a short story of my published in an anthology a few years ago. I’ll share more about it with the cover reveal, but it has a steampunk-like aspect that turns the story of a knight facing a dragon on its head, making it sci fiction and not fantasy.

So, don’t forget to check out this group promo for science fiction and fantasy books in Kindle Unlimited beginning September 2nd!

Dare to Believe.


Lessers Not Losers Thumbnail.jpg
Barry Nove