
Promoting books can be a matter of luck… Unless you experiment and test out what seems to work. I’ve given away thousands of ebooks over the last few year through Freebooksy. I’ve also been tracking the effectiveness of the approach, and one of the benefits of using Freebookksy is the number of reviews I garner from the effort.

I'm running a promo on Freebooksy today, offering Highmage's Plight, Book 1 of the complete seven book series free on Kindle.

Check out what can go wrong for an archaeologist in the distant future who finds an elvin site in Europe... and all the trouble it leads him and his now sarcastic computer.

And for those who have read the book on Kindle, please consider leaving a review. When I came out with a new edition a couple of years ago the reviews stayed with my former publisher’s edition. The more reviews I have the better chance I have of getting the opportunity to experiment with other avenues to promote, and I’d like to offer free books, normally the first books in my various series as broadly as possible.

As ever, Dare to Believe,


Barry Nove