Cover Reveal
Welcome to the Cover Reveal for Knight's Blood...
I'm working on the release of the second printing of the first two books of the Knights Tower Series, Knight of the Broken Table and Changeling Knight, and the last of the pre-publication work for Knight’s Blood, Book 3 of Knights Tower,
This cover, like the first two books in the series, and a lot of my recent books, has been done by a Britsh graphic artist. I hope you like this style cover as much as I do. I've been looking at a lot of new books, particularly their covers. I'm seeing a lot of covers which are lovely, but not my style. Over ten years ago, I met an author who was having covers created that are apparently in this current style, but I couldn't tell what genre they conveyed without takng a hard look.
The Knights Tower Series was inspired by an aspect of what I loved about Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern Series. Her covers had dragon riders, conveying fantasy--and, of course, cool dragons. However, it turned out the series was actually sci fi. Knights Tower is likes that. The series is, steampunk, with a metal dragon, but it's more... For me, that is part of what makes the series so much fun to write.
I've just sent back my final proof changes to galley of the anthology that my short story, The Christmas Dilemma, will appear in. Particular Passages: Out of Season is set for release in December in time for the holidays. The anthology will be available in a variety of epub formats and in paperback. I've taken a look at the other stories and mine is in good company.
At the end of this month, I’m at Capclave in Rockville, Maryland, my local area con, enjoying the panels and networking. When I was there a few years ago, I attended a science session about all the NASA probes sent to Mars and saw a number of wonderful photos of Mars. That inspired the coverart for my novella, Nowhere to Go But Mars, which is free on Kindle Unlimited through October.
Interested in free books and stories? .Terran Catalyst, Book 1 of the series, continues to be free across multiple epub formats. The Kindle version is available, click here. However, that will be going back to regular price next month.
Two of my Apocalypse Knot prequel novellas, Apocalypse Knot, and Little Apocalypse, are featured in Into the Unknown, where you’ll find dozens of free stories about young heroes and heroines on quests. Though, I dare say, Krissy’s quest is to get into an all boys military academy before the Apocalypse…
Lastly, a favor to ask. If you’ve appreciated reading my novels, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Rating one of my books would be appreciated, too. My hope is to have new reviews for Knight of the Broken Table before the release of Knight’s Blood. Thank you for reading my stories!
Dare to Believe!