Welcome to the New Year - Giveaways & Writing Progress

I’m working on publishing two projects in 2021. I’ve been working on Bigfoot is Not Your Friend for several years and once I work through my editor’s suggested edits I’ll be posting it as a review copy. Bigfoot is Not Your Friend is a rather satiric action adventure apocalypse novel. It will be the first book in the Apocalypse Knot. In preparation for seeking advance readers through Story Origin, I’ve the cover of the book just about already to reveal. My goal is to publish it hopefully in the late spring and to find a number of advance readers who might be willing to post a review in time for the book’s release once I’ve finished going through my editors corrections. I’ll post a sample chapter to give a taste of what’s in store, so look for that hopefully by the end of February.

The other project I’m working on is Changeling Knight, Book 2 of Knights Tower, which continues the story found in my novel Knight of the Broken Table and its prequel Last Knight. As you might think this might be a fantasy novel, it’s actually science fiction. I’m a fan of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern, which also turns out to be sci fi rather than fantasy and David Webber’s Safehold Series. Changeling Knight is tentatively schedule for release late summer.

My novella, Last Knight, prequel to my novel, Knight of the Broken Table, is free on Kindle January 9 through January 13, 2021, and is available for free in the New Year: New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Giveaway!, which is a group Kindle Unlimited promo this month.

The Dragon’s Curse (novella), which is a lead-in to my Highmage’s Plight series and Hands of the Highmage series, and and Grounding a Mockingbird are available in a group promo the Midweek Madness GOODBYE 2020! Giveaway.

Lessers Not Losers will be free on Kindle beginning January 17 through January 21, 2021.

My novel For Whom the Bell Trolls is featured in the Kindle Unlimited promo New Year, New Monsters. If you are a member of Kindle Unlimited, these books and a lot of other great fantasy novels are free, so check them out.

Happy and Healthy New Year!


Barry Nove