At Balticon and looking for other links to my ebooks?

My books are all available on Amazon, just visit my “Buy My Books” links to see my Amazon page. Most of my ebooks are currently exclusive on Kindle, but not all at this time.

The following of my bargain priced ebooks are available broadly on Nook, Kobo, iStore, Scribd, and more…

My most recent release (a novella),

Nowhere to Go But Mars’ universal link through Draft2Digital is:, $2.99;

and my collection of previously published short stories,

Crossroads of Sin’s universal link through Draft2Digital is:, $0.99.

Questions about my books during Balticon, May 22-25, 2020 can be emailed to me at dhr2believe at

Forthcoming release later this year, Lesser’s Not Losers, based on my mixed genre paranormal/sci fi stories that appear in Crossroads of Sin.

Check out my previous post for panels I’m appearing on during Balticon. Check out the website for details (the Virtual sessions are free and open to the public).


Barry Nove